Wednesday 30 March 2011

Thursday 27 January 2011


I am very fed up of waiting...
and waiting...
and waiting...

Tuesday 25 January 2011

TED Talk: Neil Pasricha

To get an idea of text used in audio and spoken work I have been watching a lot of talks on This website is just bursting with knowledge and information, and also just opinions and theories. I really enjoy looking for the talks, and once my motivation comes back (if it ever does) I will be watching more and hopefully writing notes on them.

This talk (The 3 A's of Awesome) mixes Neil Pasrichas life experience, parents moving to a new country, and story telling to set up the 3 A's of awesome, which started as a simple blog like this one, naming things that are just... awesome! Such as clean sheets and bubble wrap. He says how we all need to get in touch with our 3 year old selves to really appreciate the world (which is Awareness in the 3 A's), one of his examples being when a child watches a bug cross the sidewalk, and watching their first baseball game. They take in everything good, not the bad, and we need to do that to create a more awesome life for ourselves.

I really enjoyed the aspect of storytelling in this talk, to listen to in depth personal things that have happened to him year by year, it almost made you relate to what happened to you that year. However, this is what he was making a point about, we need to not dwell on the bad things that happened, whatever they are and however bad they were, we need to grieve and then move on with our lives becoming stronger and in the end, happier. Even if it is the hardest thing you have to do.

I suppose one of the reasons I have connected so much with this talk is because I am currently having a difficult time. I suffer from anxiety which affects me physically also, making me feel ill a lot of the time (as most people who know me will know from my constant moaning!). Recently I have bitten the bullet and started to beat it, I had a realization much like Neil Pasricha, and opened my eyes in a sense. What's the point in dwelling on everything, if it is going to happen it will. I have fantastic support behind me and this has helped a lot. Anyway, enough about that, dwelling again!

Neil Pasricha's talk has gone into my favourites and is an amazing way to think about life, I will be forwarding this to as many people as I can as I believe it's something a lot of people need to hear.
Well done Mr. Neil Pasrichas :)

Friday 31 December 2010

The New Year.

After my disappointing mark in the last unit, which hopefully will be raised by a few points if I get awarded extenuating circumstances, I have decided to carry on focusing on my writing, However I want to experiment as much as I can. I have realised I am not using the facilities in my university as I could and there are a lot of techniques I want to try out.

I need to think about how I can display my writing, and also how it links and fits in to the art world at the moment, using artist research and keeping up to date with the trends.

Being as its Christmas/New Year, I have done no work, made no art pieces and not even thought about how I am going to start - which I think is fair enough! As soon as the 4th gets here and uni starts again I will be working as hard as I can and making myself and others proud.

Pep talk over :)

Wednesday 1 December 2010


Well, that's that unit passed... Just.

Big ideas for after Christmas, but for now I need to focus on getting everything sorted for work and getting back for Christmas...on the 23rd & not the 10th like everyone else.
I miss not having a job, but I would miss having a job even more.
If that makes sense.

Friday 12 November 2010


First attempt at presenting my limerick for my piece at university.

Friday 5 November 2010

I have not done as much work as I wanted to, and could have recently because I have had a realy bad chest infection. The anti-biotics didn't work as quickly as I thought either. I have a doctors note and prescription proof so will be applying for extenuating circumstances. Also I have had to move studios because of dampness that could have caused the infection and affects my asthma. What a wally my body is hey! I hope I have some work to show soon!